A day in the life: working as an eye surgeon

Mr Adonis El Salloukh is an eye surgeon working in Cardiff. A specialist registrar, he chairs the ophthalmologists in training group (OTG) for the Royal College of Ophthalmologists How did you start your career? I’ve been interested in becoming an eye surgeon since I was eight years old – I was fascinated by the complex anatomy of this organ. During my medical school training, at St George’s in London, I travelled to India to help with eye camps where we…

A day in the life – the contact lens optician

Wilma Paton is a contact lens optician at Specsavers in Saltcoats, North Ayrshire What's your role? I’m a dispensing optician (DO) and contact lens optician (CLO). I quickly knew that optics was my career when I first joined Specsavers Kilmarnock, East Ayrshire, in a meet and greet role nearly 20 years ago. That developed into the practice manager role. I’ve been learning ever since to progress and support our patients.  I moved to Specsavers Newlands, in Glasgow, ten years ago…

A day in the life… the lens manufacturer

Tony Calvo is the operations manager for Optimum RX Lens Specialists, who manufacture and supply prescription lenses to opticians, hospitals and laboratories throughout the UK, Europe and beyond. What do you do?  I’m responsible for making sure everything runs smoothly in the production process, coordinating different aspects of manufacturing, making sure we meet quality standards, stay on schedule, and manage resources efficiently. How do you start your working day?  It usually begins with a hot coffee while I review the…

Day in the life: optical recruiter

Head Administrator at Vivid Optical Sadie Saunders, sat down with principal consultant Owen Thacker to discuss his experience of being an optical recruiter. (Sadie) How do you start your day? (Owen) Each morning I start my day by going through my current processes and seeing if there are any interviews, I need to schedule in. I will send out any CV’s I received the evening before and make sure they are all sent out to clients. If I have a…

Day in the life: the orthoptist

Orthoptists diagnose and treat defects in eye movement and problems with how the eyes work together. Eliza Green tells us about her work as a highly specialist orthoptist at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS foundation trust in London How do you begin your day? I start at 8:15, looking at my schedule for the day and which clinic I will be working in. Some mornings I am in our adult strabismus service. The condition is an inward or outward turn…

Day in the life: the eye surgeon

Guy Negretti is a consultant eye specialist – an ophthalmologist – working across three NHS trusts, Moorfields, Barts Health and Surrey and Sussex Healthcare How you start work – what do you do first? Three mornings a week I’m in the operating theatre. I arrive on the ward at around 8am and see all the patients, answering any questions and reassuring them. Other mornings I am in the outpatient clinic, dealing with ophthalmic emergencies or in a specialist clinic.  What…

A day in the life: dispensing optician and practice owner Scott O’Neill

Scott set up and owns Doctor Oculus in Birmingham  What is your role? I am a dispensing optician, which means I have studied to become an expert in tailoring different kinds of lenses for glasses. It helps to enjoy maths to do this job, but the most important thing is being able to talk and listen to people’s different lifestyle needs so that they can get glasses that let them see as best as possible. I often say my job…

A day in the life of… domiciliary optician Sai

Sai visits patients in their homes, working as his own boss but with the support of a company in a joint venture partnership. What do you start with every day? I like to start my day sorting out my packed lunch, ensuring I have plenty of water as it can be thirsty work chatting to patients all day! I also do some general housekeeping like making sure my testing equipment is prepped and checking my patient list, which is organised…

A day in the life of… eyewear stylist Dan Scott

Dan Scott is The Eyewear Stylist, helping people find bespoke frames that reflect their individual stories. He is a qualified dispensing optician and a trained personal stylist. What do you start with every day? I love my coffee, so if I'm in my studio in Media City, Salford, I'll pick up a drink from one of the coffee shops. But when you are freelance every day is different, so I might be up at 5.30am for a 6.30am networking meeting.…

A day in the life of… disability consultant Daniel

Daniel tells us about his role in improving accessibility I’m Daniel Williams, founding director of Visualise Training and Consultancy Ltd, where our mission is to improve accessibility, inclusion and equality. I established the business in 2014 to share my personal and professional experiences and expertise with companies and organisations. I want to help them provide excellent service for customers and employees with disabilities as well as meet their legal obligations under The Equality Act 2010. I have an eye condition…