Careers in Eyecare

Work experience

Work experience is a great way to gain experience, build skills and get taste for a possible career path. Find out more about work experience via the links below.

Brighten Your Future With Careers In Eyecare


Careers in eyecare offer a lot of potential to young people. Open your eyes to the possibilities…

Careers for everyone

There are many interesting careers in eyecare and eye wear, with entry at all levels. Whatever your background and interests, you can take your next steps into an eyecare career.

Careers with a chance to earn AND learn

Careers in eyecare can give you the chance to earn while you learn, with courses leading to qualifications at various levels including a diploma or degree.

Caring, creative careers

Whether you want to work in fashion or technology, whether you are interested in caring for people or science, if you want to work in retail, in management, in design or in manufacturing, there’s an eyecare career for you.

ABDO College to host apprenticeship webinars in National Apprenticeship week

To celebrate National Apprenticeship Week (10–16 February), ABDO College are running a number of ‘Introduction to apprenticeships’ webinars to help guide and inform prospective students and employers interested in this new and exciting pathway to become a dispensing optician. The key concepts behind apprenticeships will be introduced as well as the similarities and differences to … Continue reading ABDO College to host apprenticeship webinars in National Apprenticeship week

Supporting people with sight loss

A charity volunteer has moved into a paid job as an eye clinic liaison officer (ECLO) thanks to sponsorship from Specsavers.  Helen McGrath has been helped by the Harrogate practice to train as an ECLO with Vision Support. The role helps bridge the gap between health and social care professionals and people with sight loss, … Continue reading Supporting people with sight loss

New apprenticeships: orthoptists earn while they learn

An apprenticeship has been launched that will create new opportunities for people to train as orthoptists, helping to tackle vision problems in children and adults across England. You can now earn while you learn, with a paid apprenticeship in your local NHS hospital. Previously people had to go to university in Liverpool, Sheffield or London. … Continue reading New apprenticeships: orthoptists earn while they learn

Six reasons to choose an eyecare career in… orthoptics

Orthoptists are the experts in diagnosing and treating defects in eye movement and problems with how the eyes work together, called binocular vision. This field offers a fascinating and rewarding career. Orthoptics lets you change lives every day. Imagine the dramatic impact of helping children see clearly for the first time, or fixing a patient’s … Continue reading Six reasons to choose an eyecare career in… orthoptics

How to revise, survive and thrive

If you struggle with revision, then try some of these tips and tricks. They could make all the difference! Get started If you put things off, the Pomodoro method can help. Set a timer for 25 minutes – even the most reluctant procrastinator can usually manage such a short period. Then take a five minute … Continue reading How to revise, survive and thrive

A day in the life – the orthoptist

Alis Sejourne is lead orthoptist for neuro-ophthalmology and adults with learning difficulties at the Royal London Hospital, Barts Health trust What do you do? How did you start your career? I diagnose and manage eye movement disorders, visual field defects and binocular vision or visual development problems, such as amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus (squint). … Continue reading A day in the life – the orthoptist

Six reasons to choose a career in optometry

Optometrists are skilled health professionals, qualified to carry out sight tests, identify eye health problems, prescribe spectacles and contact lenses and even treat some eye conditions.  1. Make a difference Optometry is a rewarding career, where you can make a real difference to people’s lives. You’ll diagnose sight problems and identify health issues – you … Continue reading Six reasons to choose a career in optometry

Top tips – filling in your UCAS form

Applying to university can be nerve-wracking and completing the UCAS form is one of the most daunting elements. Don’t leave it to the last minute! There’s so much information to provide and so many choices to make, you need time to plan carefully. Here are some top tips to help your application stand out. Check … Continue reading Top tips – filling in your UCAS form

Top tips for Zoom interviews

You’ve applied for the job and got that interview – congratulations! If it’s a Zoom or Teams call, there are some important things to think about compared to a face-to-face meeting. Use a laptop or desktop Zoom and Teams have mobile apps but laptops or PCs are best — even if you have something to … Continue reading Top tips for Zoom interviews

Take your interest in child eyecare to new heights

New masters’ level professional certificate in paediatric eyecare Eyecare practitioners can take their interest in children’s health to new heights with the first Level 7 qualification from the Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO). The equivalent of a masters’ degree, the professional certificate in paediatric eyecare offers advanced skills and knowledge in different aspects of … Continue reading Take your interest in child eyecare to new heights

Every little helps – extra funding for eyecare students

Extra funding for students on eyecare courses is available from the Spectacle Makers’ Charity. The bursary scheme has helped more than 120 people on degree and diploma courses leading directly to a career in eye healthcare care, including:  The scheme is competitive – fewer than one in ten applicants are successful.  It’s not about polish … Continue reading Every little helps – extra funding for eyecare students

How a mentor could help you succeed

As you take the first steps to working life, you need to think about what your passion is. What motivates you? Is it caring, or financial rewards? Getting swift results or building long-term relationships?  Consider your personality and skills and research which careers fit best.  What lifestyle, salary and work/life balance would you like?  A … Continue reading How a mentor could help you succeed

Day in the life – optical assistant Emily is on her way to a bright future

Emily Steele works for Edmonds & Slatter Opticians in Leicestershire and has just completed the optical assistant course with ABDO College Why did you choose an optical career? I’d started to need glasses a few years before and realised my idea of how glasses were supposed to look was totally out of date. I noticed … Continue reading Day in the life – optical assistant Emily is on her way to a bright future

Earn while you learn – Level 6 apprenticeships launched

There’s a new way to train as a dispensing optician (DO) and earn while you learn with the launch of Level 6 apprenticeships, equivalent to a degree. DOs advise on, fit and supply the most appropriate spectacles after taking account of each person’s visual, lifestyle and vocational needs. They can take further training to fit … Continue reading Earn while you learn – Level 6 apprenticeships launched

A Day in the Life – the volunteer dispensing optician

Leanne Glanville is a dispensing optician (DO) who volunteers for charity Vision Care for Homeless People Q. What’s your role? A. I’ve been a qualified dispensing optician (DO) since 2016. I currently work as a locum once a week and volunteer with Vision Care for Homeless People (VHCP) once a month. Locums are temporary workers, rather … Continue reading A Day in the Life – the volunteer dispensing optician

Six great reasons to choose a career in eyecare

You could start working as an optical assistant and can study online to learn more about eyecare and eyewear. Learn through block release or day release as a student or apprentice dispensing optician  and you earn while you learn – get a diploma or a degree while being paid. Or head to university for a … Continue reading Six great reasons to choose a career in eyecare

GCSE results day – what’s next?

Your exam results can be key to your next steps at sixth form or college – or your chances of getting a job. But if you don’t get the grades you wanted, there are alternatives for you to consider. There are plenty of options, and your local college is a great place to start to … Continue reading GCSE results day – what’s next?

A level results day – what’s next?

Today’s one of the most stressful dates for many students. It may feel like disaster if you don’t get the grades for your chosen course, but there are options.  Universities still want you – more than 50,000 students find their places through Clearing every year. Many more choose apprenticeships, internships, gap years, or go straight … Continue reading A level results day – what’s next?

Higher results not what you expected? There’s a bright future for you in eyecare

If you got your Higher results today, you may need to look around for your future direction. It may feel like disaster if you don’t get the grades for your chosen course, but there are options.  Universities still want you – more than 50,000 students find their places through Clearing every year. Many more choose … Continue reading Higher results not what you expected? There’s a bright future for you in eyecare

A day in the life – the clinical technician

Isabel Nibbs is a clinical technician at Specsavers in Crowborough, East Sussex Why did you choose an optical career? After finishing my A-Levels I was inspired by friends and family working in the eyecare sector. As a long-term customer of Specsavers, I thought it would be a great place to work. Being part of a … Continue reading A day in the life – the clinical technician

Celebrate Youth Employment Week 15–19 July

Businesses can boost their engagement and recruitment strategy and young people discover fresh opportunities during Youth Employment Week from 15–19 July.  Young people Find lots of information and advice about your future options at Youth Employment Week Employers The toolkit includes  Find out more at Youth Employment Week

A day in the life: working as an eye surgeon

Mr Adonis El Salloukh is an eye surgeon working in Cardiff. A specialist registrar, he chairs the ophthalmologists in training group (OTG) for the Royal College of Ophthalmologists How did you start your career? I’ve been interested in becoming an eye surgeon since I was eight years old – I was fascinated by the complex … Continue reading A day in the life: working as an eye surgeon

Wanted: employers who offer apprenticeships

ABDO College is seeking employers with experience of offering apprenticeships. The college aims to launch an apprenticeship programme for dispensing opticians in September 2024, subject to General Optical Council (GOC) approval. The Department of Education (DfE) has approved the college as a provider for the Level 6 Dispensing Optician Apprenticeship Standard. The college plans to … Continue reading Wanted: employers who offer apprenticeships

Everything you need to know about the EPQ

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a standalone qualification, designed to develop students beyond the usual Level 3 course and to prepare you for university or your future career. It’s worth half an A-level. You choose your own topic and title, with guidance from teachers. This is an independent project, a chance to really dig … Continue reading Everything you need to know about the EPQ

After college, what next?

If you are in the lower sixth or your first year at college, tutors and parents may be asking you what you plan to do next. It feels like the pressure is on and you have to have a plan for the rest of your life … but don’t worry. There are lots of options … Continue reading After college, what next?

Six reasons to be a vision scientist

Ophthalmic and vision science is a little-known career, but one that offers you a great future. These specialists assess the structure and function of the eye and the visual system. They are experts in disorders of vision, eye diseases and the visual pathway.  This is a great choice for many reasons. Our top six are: … Continue reading Six reasons to be a vision scientist

Choosing the right sixth form college for you

If you are doing your GCSEs, you also have to think about what next. Do you want to go to a sixth form college or stay at your school if it offers a sixth form? You could also look at apprenticeships. In this article we look at how to take your next steps when applying … Continue reading Choosing the right sixth form college for you

Clinical technicians – a great opportunity 

A scheme for optical assistants to gain extra skills to support optometrists is celebrating its 500th graduate. Isabel Nibbs is now a Specsavers clinical technician after a 16-week training programme. The scheme gives people the skills to carry out pre-assessment procedures and collect diagnostic information, working under the supervision of an optometrist. The technicians support … Continue reading Clinical technicians – a great opportunity 

Five reasons to choose a degree in orthoptics

1. Become a respected health professional Orthoptists are experts in diagnosing and treating defects in eye movement and problems with how the eyes work together, called binocular vision. They are registered with and regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). To qualify, they study for a degree in orthoptics. You can find out … Continue reading Five reasons to choose a degree in orthoptics

Flexible working – your new rights

You can now request flexible working from your first day in a job, removing the need to have 26 weeks’ continuous employment. The move is just part of a package of measures changing the landscape for workers and employers. People will be able to make two flexible working requests every year, rather than one, under … Continue reading Flexible working – your new rights

Choosing your highers – your questions answered

If you’re at school in Scotland, and in S3 or S4, you might be thinking about choosing your Highers. You normally need to study towards four or five Highers in S5 – and may then go on to take Advanced Highers in S6. Scottish Higher qualifications (known as Highers) are subject-based qualifications. After taking Highers, … Continue reading Choosing your highers – your questions answered

12 reasons to choose a career in optical sales

Optical sales representatives promote a manufacturer’s lens, frame or contact lens range to practices. You could be selling a designer brand and products that help people get the best vision possible, making a huge difference to their lives.  Why choose this career? How do I get into optical sales?  You need to know what you … Continue reading 12 reasons to choose a career in optical sales

Applying for student finance in England

If you want to do a degree in medicine, ophthalmic dispensing or optometry, and you have been offered a place, make sure that you apply for student finance too. New students can apply for a Tuition Fee Loan – for your fees – and a Maintenance Loan – for your living costs. Here are some … Continue reading Applying for student finance in England

Applying for student finance in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales

In Northern Ireland, students can apply for: Some students in various circumstances, such as students with a disability or long-term health condition, can et additional funding, or to help pay additional costs for childcare. Visit Student Finance NI to explore what might be available to you and apply. In Scotland, the Student Awards Agency Scotland … Continue reading Applying for student finance in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales

The eye – resources for teachers

There’s a host of resources to help children and young people learn about all aspects of vision and eyecare. Here are some of our top picks.

Top tips for choosing your GCSEs

If you are coming up to the time when you need to choose your GCSEs, you can feel under pressure. Don’t panic: instead, read on for some tips to help you. When choosing your subjects, you could pick subjects you are good at or those you enjoy. You might want to do subjects your friends … Continue reading Top tips for choosing your GCSEs

How and when to apply for accommodation for your course

Have you applied to uni to study courses like dispensing optics, medicine or optometry? For some people, going to uni is as much about the life experience as it is about the course – so you want to get your choice of where you live right. There are a number of options open to you: … Continue reading How and when to apply for accommodation for your course

Making work experience work for employers

Why offer work experience? Providing short-term placements helps employers reach the talent, different perspectives and skills that young people – or career changers – offer. It also provides opportunities for your staff to supervise and mentor, helping to develop their management, leadership and communication skills. Students bring the interests and needs of the next generation … Continue reading Making work experience work for employers

What to consider when choosing subjects for sixth form

Are you ready to choose your subjects for sixth form? Whether you are staying at school or moving to a sixth form college there are lots of options open to you. It can seem overwhelming – but don’t panic – here are tips to help you. First, you might want to think about the sort … Continue reading What to consider when choosing subjects for sixth form

A day in the life – the contact lens optician

Wilma Paton is a contact lens optician at Specsavers in Saltcoats, North Ayrshire What’s your role? I’m a dispensing optician (DO) and contact lens optician (CLO). I quickly knew that optics was my career when I first joined Specsavers Kilmarnock, East Ayrshire, in a meet and greet role nearly 20 years ago. That developed into … Continue reading A day in the life – the contact lens optician

A day in the life – the eye clinic liaison officer

I love trying to demonstrate that there may be hope and opportunity even at a time when people are feeling that they have less choice than they have been used to.

Specsavers rated one of the UK’s best employers

Specsavers has been ranked 23rd in the top 50 best places to work  in the UK. This is the first time the high street optical chain has taken part in the Great Place to Work survey, a global benchmark which gathers feedback from members of staff.  At least 65% of employees must report a consistently … Continue reading Specsavers rated one of the UK’s best employers

Could you be a practice manager? 

Do you have a passion for healthcare and a head for business? Every optical practice needs a manager. Start as an optical assistant or qualify as a dispensing optician and you could go on to become the manager, running the day to day business. These roles will see you leading the team, overseeing the finances, … Continue reading Could you be a practice manager? 

New BTEC for optical assistants

Specsavers has created a BTEC qualification to develop the skills of thousands of optical assistants (OAs) working in its community practices.    The new Pearson BTEC Level 3 certificate includes units from the existing Pearson BTEC Level 3 certificate for optometric clinical assistants and dispensing assistants. Learners choose additional units to fit their roles, providing a tailored learning experience.   Jodie … Continue reading New BTEC for optical assistants

Five ways to support National Careers Week 2024

Next week is National Careers Week 2024 (5-10 March) and it is the perfect time to showcase careers in eyecare. Here are five ways you can support careers week: You can find Careers in eyecare on Facebook, Twitter

Get that job – how to succeed at interview

Getting a job in eyecare requires strong communication and interpersonal skills. The interview is crucial – a chance to showcase your qualifications and personality. Here are some top tips to help you succeed from Danny Alaimo, associate director at Vivid Optical recruitment consultants. Research Before stepping into the interview room, thoroughly research the firm. Understand … Continue reading Get that job – how to succeed at interview

Bright future – could an apprenticeship be for you?

Dena Wyatt, Specsavers’ head of apprenticeships, explains how you can take the first step to an exciting career. “Apprenticeships are a great choice for young people and career changers. They are a stepping stone into your future. They open the door. You get the opportunity to earn while you learn, to get a job and … Continue reading Bright future – could an apprenticeship be for you?

Celebrating apprentices with learning differences and disabilities

Join this webinar on the first day of National Apprenticeship Week to hear from disabled apprentices, and those with learning differences, sharing what works when it comes to supporting people with additional needs. Rabia Lemahieu of Disability Rights UK explains how employers can embrace diversity.

Earn while you learn – apprenticeships

National Apprenticeship Week in February highlighted that there’s never been a better time to think about combining working and learning. You can get hands-on experience while studying for a recognised qualification – and earning a salary.  There are a range of opportunities in eyecare including apprenticeships Eyecare apprentices work in every size of business, from … Continue reading Earn while you learn – apprenticeships

Virtual event 10.00am 5 February – finding an apprenticeship

If you have been considering your next career move and want to earn while you learn, join this event today. Get some pointers from Paul Riddock, Managing Director of Swarm Recruitment, who has many years of experience placing the right individual with the right organisation. He will share insights on how to find the right … Continue reading Virtual event 10.00am 5 February – finding an apprenticeship

A day in the life… the lens manufacturer

Tony Calvo is the operations manager for Optimum RX Lens Specialists, who manufacture and supply prescription lenses to opticians, hospitals and laboratories throughout the UK, Europe and beyond. What do you do?  I’m responsible for making sure everything runs smoothly in the production process, coordinating different aspects of manufacturing, making sure we meet quality standards, … Continue reading A day in the life… the lens manufacturer

A day in the life… of an eyewear frames sales representative

Liz Shepherd is a business development manager for STEPPER EYEWEAR. Read on to discover what a day at work is like and find out whether this is a career that would suit you.  My typical day ? No day is ever the same as a rep. My area covers the whole of the Midlands and … Continue reading A day in the life… of an eyewear frames sales representative

It’s not all rocket science – podcast highlights careers in STEM

If you are wondering where studying science, technology, engineering or maths (STEM) could take you, turn to the the Eye Opening Careers podcast for inspiration. Hosts Gemma Drake, an early careers specialist, and optics educator Nas Hinglotwala are passionate about helping young people succeed.  They talk to students, employers and university tutors about careers in … Continue reading It’s not all rocket science – podcast highlights careers in STEM

How to find work experience

Work experience is a great way to get a taste of a future career and find out what avenues might suit you. But it’s important to start your research soon – lots of other students are looking at the same time so opportunities can go fast. How can you find the right opening?  Your tutors … Continue reading How to find work experience

How to choose a career when you don’t know what to do

It can be hard to decide where you fit in the world of work and where your skills apply. But there are ways to find a fulfilling career. This advice applies to everyone from school leavers to students and career changers.   Identify your interests and talents Think about what you like and what you are good … Continue reading How to choose a career when you don’t know what to do

Six reasons why optometry is a great career

An optometrist is a skilled health professional, qualified to carry out sight tests, identify eye health problems, prescribe glasses and contact lenses and treat some eye conditions.  1. Make a difference Optometry is a rewarding career, where you can make a real difference to people’s lives. You’ll diagnose sight problems and identify health issues, perhaps … Continue reading Six reasons why optometry is a great career

Applying to university – UCAS dos and don’ts

Filling in the UCAS form can be daunting. There’s so much information to provide and so many choices to make! Here are some Dos and Don’ts to help your application stand out DO check your deadlines Make sure you know your school’s or college’s deadlines and work back from those dates so that you have … Continue reading Applying to university – UCAS dos and don’ts

Specsavers rated “a great place to work”

The optical chain has qualified as a Great Place to Work-certified business, based on feedback from staff. At least 65 per cent of employees have to report a consistently good experience under the scheme, which assesses workplace culture. In the UK 80 per cent of those surveyed responded positively. Specsavers businesses in the Republic of … Continue reading Specsavers rated “a great place to work”

The entrepreneur – connecting optometrists and doctors

Dr Meera Radia is an ophthalmologist at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London and the founder of digital platform PocketEye What motivated you to become an eye doctor? As early as I can remember, I was fascinated by the blend of surgery with medicine that ophthalmology brings. I remember watching a television documentary about charity eye … Continue reading The entrepreneur – connecting optometrists and doctors

Spectacle Makers’ opens student bursary scheme for 2023-24 academic year

The Spectacle Makers’ Charity has opened applications for student bursaries for the 2023-24 academic year. Since launch, the bursary scheme has helped more than 120 students enrolled on degree and diploma courses in dispensing, orthoptics, optometry, ophthalmic imaging and allied subjects leading directly to a career in eye health care. Nurses studying for MSc programmes … Continue reading Spectacle Makers’ opens student bursary scheme for 2023-24 academic year

12 top tips: how to help a new employee succeed

You’ve drawn up the job description, you’ve advertised, you’ve interviewed and now your new starter is due to arrive. Taking on a team member is a big investment. How can you make sure they thrive in their new role? People who have a positive experience of their first few weeks will understand the company better. … Continue reading 12 top tips: how to help a new employee succeed

Day in the life: optical recruiter

Head Administrator at Vivid Optical Sadie Saunders, sat down with principal consultant Owen Thacker to discuss his experience of being an optical recruiter. (Sadie) How do you start your day? (Owen) Each morning I start my day by going through my current processes and seeing if there are any interviews, I need to schedule in. … Continue reading Day in the life: optical recruiter

Orthoptist takes office as Master of The Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers

In what she called “a giant leap for orthoptists”, Liz Shilling (known professionally as Liz Tomlin), was installed this week as Master of The Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers, the first orthoptist ever to serve as Master in the Company’s almost 400 year-old history.  Liz studied Orthoptics at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London. In 1992 … Continue reading Orthoptist takes office as Master of The Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers

The teachers’ guide to careers in eyecare

The optical world is less well known than other branches of healthcare. But it offers a range of rewarding careers, for people with all kinds of talents and interests. Some roles offer recruits the chance to earn while they learn, while qualifications include apprenticeships, diplomas or degrees. From healthcare to fashion, technology to retail, management, … Continue reading The teachers’ guide to careers in eyecare

Find out what it’s like to work in a hospital 

Are you interested in a healthcare career in a hospital? The University of Southampton and University Hospital Southampton are offering students in Years 12 and 13 the opportunity to apply for live virtual work experience. Brighton and Sussex Medical School also offers virtual work experience without any application. At the University of Southampton, a typical … Continue reading Find out what it’s like to work in a hospital 

What jobs can you do with an optometry degree? 

If you’ve just started your degree, are going into the final year or are doing A levels, you may be wondering about your career options. Becoming a community optometrist is the obvious choice, but there are a wide range of pathways out there.  Domiciliary optometrist These are optometrists who visit patients in their homes, schools, … Continue reading What jobs can you do with an optometry degree? 

Day in the life: the orthoptist

Orthoptists diagnose and treat defects in eye movement and problems with how the eyes work together. Eliza Green tells us about her work as a highly specialist orthoptist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS foundation trust in London How do you begin your day? I start at 8:15, looking at my schedule for the day … Continue reading Day in the life: the orthoptist

Outstanding apprenticeships grade for optical group

SPECSAVERS’ apprenticeship programme has achieved top marks, with an outstanding rating from the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted). It is the only optical and retail training employer provider to have achieved this grade on the latest list of outstanding providers in England. Specsavers is one of eight employer providers graded as outstanding. Group chief … Continue reading Outstanding apprenticeships grade for optical group

How an apprenticeship works for us

Apprenticeships are a great way for trainees to earn while they learn and develop their career. Employers benefit from staff gaining skills and knowledge. Macey, an apprentice optical assistant at Michael Offord Optometrist – Opticians in Newcastle and Sam, the practice manager, tell us what makes their journey a success.   Macey, apprentice In September … Continue reading How an apprenticeship works for us

Day in the life: the eye surgeon

Guy Negretti is a consultant eye specialist – an ophthalmologist – working across three NHS trusts, Moorfields, Barts Health and Surrey and Sussex Healthcare How you start work – what do you do first? Three mornings a week I’m in the operating theatre. I arrive on the ward at around 8am and see all the … Continue reading Day in the life: the eye surgeon

Exam results not what you hoped for? A career in eyecare can offer a bright future

The government in England is planning to reduce the number of top A level grades this year. Ministers want to return to pre-pandemic statistics, the proportion awarded in 2019. Scotland and Wales are moving more slowly. It may be bad news for some students, parents and schools. But if you miss out, there are still … Continue reading Exam results not what you hoped for? A career in eyecare can offer a bright future

Listen up! Care for people with hearing loss

It’s a little-known field but audiology is a rewarding option for everyone from school leavers and graduates to career changers, says Emma Walker, director of hearing services at Farnham Specsavers Hearing Centre.  Emma’s career wasn’t planned. She got a part-time job with Specsavers during university. “My English degree didn’t point me in any direction. When … Continue reading Listen up! Care for people with hearing loss

Crafting the perfect CV for a UK GOC registered optometrist: A comprehensive guide

As a GOC (General Optical Council) registered optometrist in the UK, writing a compelling curriculum vitae (CV) is crucial to showcase your skills, qualifications, and experiences effectively. With the demand for eye care professionals on the rise, a well-crafted CV can help you stand out from the competition and secure opportunities in this highly competitive … Continue reading Crafting the perfect CV for a UK GOC registered optometrist: A comprehensive guide

Waiting for exam results?

Have you survived your GCSEs, or nationals in Scotland? It can be a nerve-wracking time. Here are some tips to help. When will I find out?  Results day for National Qualifications in Scotland is on Tuesday 8 August and GCSE results for England, Wales and Northern Ireland (and some Scottish schools) is on Thursday 24 … Continue reading Waiting for exam results?

A day in the life: dispensing optician and practice owner Scott O’Neill

Scott set up and owns Doctor Oculus in Birmingham  What is your role? I am a dispensing optician, which means I have studied to become an expert in tailoring different kinds of lenses for glasses. It helps to enjoy maths to do this job, but the most important thing is being able to talk and … Continue reading A day in the life: dispensing optician and practice owner Scott O’Neill

Meet the Vivid Optical team

Vivid Optical is the leading recruitment consultancy in optometry and one of the sponsors of Careers in Eyecare.  Vivid Optical works very closely with a range of employers in the optometry sector including all the biggest names in the market. Let’s me the team: Luke Elias Since 2011, Luke and Stephen have grown The Vivid … Continue reading Meet the Vivid Optical team

For employers – how to get the most from work experience

It’s not just young people or career changers who benefit from work experience. Employers can use the opportunity to develop staff. They can act as mentors and reflect on their current role and future possibilities. Students bring new ideas and offer you a chance to engage with future customers. You are also building your contacts … Continue reading For employers – how to get the most from work experience

Spreading the news about optical careers

Tony Harvey is a STEM Ambassador, going into schools to tell young people about careers in optics Being an optician is a bit of a Cinderella job – careers teachers often don’t know anything about it and most of the kids have never thought of it as an option. I visit schools and colleges to … Continue reading Spreading the news about optical careers

A winning design: framing the future

Did you ever wonder how spectacle frames are designed? The Royal College of Art (RCA) runs an annual competition for the best design from its students – the winning entry is shown off at the 100% Optical show. This year’s theme was sustainable sunglasses. Students had to use  materials that don’t hurt the planet or … Continue reading A winning design: framing the future

Optical assistants seize the opportunity

More than 200 optical assistants at Specsavers have completed training as clinical technicians, qualified to carry out extra duties.  The scheme takes learners through diagnostic information gathering and pre-assessment procedures, working under optometrist supervision. Michelle Wilks, from the Headingley practice in Leeds, West Yorkshire, was the 201st graduate. Michelle says: “It gives you so much … Continue reading Optical assistants seize the opportunity

Inventing the future

Ever dreamed of inventing your own product? Starting your own business? Amy Gallant Sullivan, creator of eyecare beauty brand, Eyes Are The Story, did just that.  The ‘aha’ moment came in Paris. Amy was there to talk about the Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society (TFOS), where she’s executive director. It promotes education on dry … Continue reading Inventing the future

Leaving school after GCSEs? A future in eyecare is waiting

If you are in the thick of exams, good luck! It may be hard to see beyond the next test. But if you are planning to head for the world of work once all the stress is behind you, there’s a great future waiting in the world of eyecare.  If you like working with people … Continue reading Leaving school after GCSEs? A future in eyecare is waiting

Optometry taster day inspires school students

Students from schools across south west England took part in a taster day in April, designed to inspire them to consider a career in optometry. The 50 pupils, from years 10 to 13, met academic staff from Plymouth university’s optometry programme, attended mini lectures on eye anatomy and visual processing, and had the opportunity to … Continue reading Optometry taster day inspires school students

Five reasons why becoming a dispensing optician is a great career choice

Qualifying as an optician gives you access to a rewarding career. From the opportunity to earn while you learn to being a style guru or getting to grips with the latest technology, there are many reasons to consider this option for your future. You can study ophthalmic dispensing full or part-time, so you can earn … Continue reading Five reasons why becoming a dispensing optician is a great career choice

New sponsor boosts Careers in Eyecare

Careers in Eyecare has gained new sponsorship from Vivid Optical, the leading recruitment consultancy in optometry. The support will help the campaign to continue its outreach to young people, parents, careers advisors and anyone looking to switch careers or develop their skills. Search this website for career profiles and features about what it is really … Continue reading New sponsor boosts Careers in Eyecare

Starting from scratch

Megan never planned to become a dispensing optician. Now she’s on course to become fully qualified in a professional career. She applied for a job at Specsavers Fox Valley practice in Sheffield in her year out before going to university. She had planned to study forensic science. “I had no idea what working at an … Continue reading Starting from scratch

Specsavers launches neurodiversity training

Specsavers is offering staff e-learning to help them understand the needs of customers with conditions such as autism or ADHD. The module is available for community practices as well as in support offices. ‘With around 15% of people in the UK thought to be neurodiverse, it’s really important that we all understand neurodiversity. Having this … Continue reading Specsavers launches neurodiversity training

Why use a recruitment agency to find a job?

When you start looking for a job, it can often be an extremely overwhelming process with many people not knowing where to start. As an active job seeker there are an array of options out there to make use of, but none are quite as beneficial as reaching out to a recruitment agency and making … Continue reading Why use a recruitment agency to find a job?

Finding a job in optics

Optics is a niche industry that is split into a handful of sectors: multiples, independents, hospitals and domiciliary providers. Multiples are the most widely recognised companies within optics and largely dominate the industry. They place a high importance on the sales aspect of the business, with busy schedules and offer the chance to progress within … Continue reading Finding a job in optics

Optometrist speeds to the qualifying line

Optometrist Katie Martin has achieved her pre-registration qualifications in under a year, surprising her colleagues. Trainees have two years and three months to finish the scheme. Nathan Burn, a director at Specsavers Plymouth, says: “We’ve all said a huge congratulations to Katie for stunning us by completing her pre-reg so quickly. “We’re simply in awe … Continue reading Optometrist speeds to the qualifying line

A day in the life: optical apprenticeships tutor

Kay Bagshaw is a dispensing optician and a tutor for optical apprenticeships at Woodspeen Training How do you start your day?  I log onto the e-portfolio system and check if any learners have uploaded work ready for feedback. I go  through emails and diary tasks. Then it’s on to the first group training session, on … Continue reading A day in the life: optical apprenticeships tutor

Specsavers expands bursary scheme

A project to inspire young people to become optometrists is being expanded across the UK. Specsavers is rolling out its Bright Futures bursary programme into England and Wales after it was initially launched in Scotland and Northern Ireland. More than £2,000 is available to help students into their career and pay for some of their … Continue reading Specsavers expands bursary scheme

Five top tips for mental wellbeing at work

Dispensing optician Matthew shares the lessons he’s learned about living well with mental health challenges I did not realise it at the time, but I had depression while at a previous workplace and while studying for my diploma. I felt I was weak and that no one would understand.  I thought ‘I can beat this … Continue reading Five top tips for mental wellbeing at work

A day in the life of… domiciliary optometrist Faye

Faye is a qualified optometrist, who recently moved to a role where she visits patients in their homes, working for community opticians The OutsideClinic. What do you start with every day? I usually start the day with an early morning gym session and then breakfast. After this, I load the car with my equipment, check … Continue reading A day in the life of… domiciliary optometrist Faye

Firm helps optometrists take extra qualifications

Specsavers is helping partners who own and run local practices and home visit domiciliary services to fund optometrists’ professional advancement. Clinical services director Giles Edmonds says: “We know our clinicians love enhanced optical services and the range of development opportunities on offer – so we’re making a big investment here. “We’re going to go shoulder … Continue reading Firm helps optometrists take extra qualifications

Five ways to support National Careers Week 2023

This week is National Careers Week 2023 (6-11 March) and it is the perfect time to promote the role of the dispensing optician and showcase other careers in eyecare. Here are five ways you can support careers week: You can find Careers in eyecare on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Do you need to be good at maths to work in eyecare?

If you are into fashion, love caring for people, or working on a busy shop floor, there’s a future for you in eyecare. Don’t assume you need top grades in maths – you may have other, more important skills. Becoming an optical assistant is a great place to start. Employers often feel that a flair … Continue reading Do you need to be good at maths to work in eyecare?

A day in the life of… dispensing training manager Daniel

Daniel Green qualified as a dispensing optician (DO) in 2018 and has worked for Specsavers for ten years. He is also an optometry clinical tutor at the University of Manchester. What do you start with every day? The great thing about my role is the variety, no two days are ever the same. Depending on … Continue reading A day in the life of… dispensing training manager Daniel

Broadcast marks National Apprenticeship week

A video to inspire young people into optics careers will run in hundreds of schools and colleges during National Apprenticeship Week, starting 6 February. Adam Matthews, an apprentice at Specsavers Chesterfield, Derbyshire, will feature alongside colleagues Helen Belkhodja, a director covering four of the firm’s practices in Surrey, and head of apprenticeships Dena Wyatt. “It’s … Continue reading Broadcast marks National Apprenticeship week

Get to grips with T levels

T levels are two-year courses for 16 to 19 year olds in England, broadly equivalent to three A levels. Health, science and healthcare science T levels were launched in September 2021, while qualifications in other subjects are still coming on stream.  They were developed with employers, schools and colleges. Health representatives involved in the panels … Continue reading Get to grips with T levels

GOC: Why we introduced our new education and training requirements

Watch a video from the GOC

Neurodiversity – how to enjoy a career in optics

Matthew Farrugia says becoming a dispensing optician (DO) can be a great choice for people with autism and other conditions When I was choosing GCSE subjects I didn’t have any idea what I’d like to do. I saw things in black and white. That’s an aspect of my autism (only diagnosed later). My tunnel vision … Continue reading Neurodiversity – how to enjoy a career in optics

Giving a careers talk

Inspiring teenagers is a rewarding aspect of the profession. It can be thought-provoking and encouraging, making you reflect on your working life. So how should you prepare if you are approached by a local school? Or if you are inspired to reach out?  The basics First, agree the format. Is this face to face or … Continue reading Giving a careers talk

A day in the life of… domiciliary optician Sai

Sai visits patients in their homes, working as his own boss but with the support of a company in a joint venture partnership. What do you start with every day? I like to start my day sorting out my packed lunch, ensuring I have plenty of water as it can be thirsty work chatting to … Continue reading A day in the life of… domiciliary optician Sai

New avenues for contact lens opticians

Claudio Tarantino is a trailblazer for dispensing and contact lens opticians who want to expand their clinical practice.  He has achieved accreditation under the contact lens optician Wales Optometry Postgraduate Education Centre (WOPEC) Minor Eye Conditions (MECS) scheme. It means Claudio can do more to support his patients and the NHS. Primary eye care practitioners triage, … Continue reading New avenues for contact lens opticians

A fresh route to a career in eye imaging

A new degree apprenticeship offers fresh vocational options in eye imaging. The University of Gloucester’s BSc (Hons) Healthcare Science Practitioner Apprenticeship (Ophthalmic Imaging) course is a distanced blended learning programme.  Ophthalmic imaging uses powerful technology to capture vital information from patient examinations. It is essential for diagnosing, treating and monitoring eye conditions. Images play a … Continue reading A fresh route to a career in eye imaging

A day in the life of… eyewear stylist Dan Scott

Dan Scott is The Eyewear Stylist, helping people find bespoke frames that reflect their individual stories. He is a qualified dispensing optician and a trained personal stylist. What do you start with every day? I love my coffee, so if I’m in my studio in Media City, Salford, I’ll pick up a drink from one … Continue reading A day in the life of… eyewear stylist Dan Scott

Bag a bursary

The Spectacle Makers’ Charity has opened its bursary application scheme for the current academic year to help students on apprenticeships, degree and diploma courses. These must be in optometry, dispensing, orthoptics or allied eye care subjects. Ophthalmic nurses and clinical technicians are also eligible. People can apply for financial support if they are on a … Continue reading Bag a bursary

How to succeed at job interviews

Interviews are opportunities to show your skills to the recruiter. Preparation is key. Before the interview, research the company. What does the website or social media say about the business’s activity, values and history? Who are the senior people? This can give you insights into their priorities, what they want from potential employees and why … Continue reading How to succeed at job interviews

The parents’ guide to careers in eyecare

If you think working in eye health is purely about sight tests, think again. There are lots of careers on offer. Does your teen want to carry on studying or start earning straight away? Do they enjoy talking to people or love technology? Enjoy fashion or want to run their own business? An optical career … Continue reading The parents’ guide to careers in eyecare

A day in the life of… disability consultant Daniel

Daniel tells us about his role in improving accessibility I’m Daniel Williams, founding director of Visualise Training and Consultancy Ltd, where our mission is to improve accessibility, inclusion and equality. I established the business in 2014 to share my personal and professional experiences and expertise with companies and organisations. I want to help them provide … Continue reading A day in the life of… disability consultant Daniel

Run your own optometry business

OutsideClinic officially launches joint venture partnership model Have you thought about specialising in eye care in the home? A new opportunity means that optometrists can now combine a rewarding career delivering genuinely life-changing care, with all the benefits that come from owning their own company. OutsideClinic has officially launched its joint venture partnership (JVP) model … Continue reading Run your own optometry business

Event: Find out about running an optical practice

Becoming a dispensing optician or optometrist gives you a range of options for your career. Some people may enjoy the clinical side of the role, while others may like to focus on management and retail. If you would like to have control over all aspects of the business, have you thought about running your own … Continue reading Event: Find out about running an optical practice

Primary Pupils Celebrate Finale of ZEISS Competition at Millennium Point

Primary schools across Birmingham came together to celebrate the finale of the ZEISS Challenge your Imagination programme at Millennium Point. Eleven schools pitched innovative product ideas that aid visual impairments, to a panel of judges, followed by two workshop sessions and an awards ceremony. Funded by ZEISS and delivered by Learn by Design, the year-long … Continue reading Primary Pupils Celebrate Finale of ZEISS Competition at Millennium Point

Exams success inspiration

If you are awaiting exam results in a state of trepidation, read this article from newly qualified dispensing optician Matthew. We covered a day in his life as a student DO – now he is ready for his first fully qualified role! Well done Matthew, it’s inspiring to read your story. On the Thursday morning, … Continue reading Exams success inspiration

Day in the life… dispensing optician Matthew

Matthew tells us about his new role as a qualified DO. What do you start with every day? I start every day by checking my emails. It’s a straightforward task, and I don’t necessarily deal with every one of them straight away, but it’s good to get an idea of any updates from colleagues the … Continue reading Day in the life… dispensing optician Matthew

Work experience tips for employers

Have you thought about offering work experience but don’t know where to start? We’ve got tips and resources to help. Have a plan. Don’t wait until the student turns up but work out activities for each day that will show them a range of aspects of the business. Think about what sort of student you … Continue reading Work experience tips for employers

What happens if your GCSE results aren’t what you need?

If you are awaiting your GCSE results you may be feeling relaxed – or you may be really worried. Your GCSE results can be key to your next steps at sixth form or college. But if things don’t work out how you hoped, there are alternatives for you to consider. Just missed your grades? If … Continue reading What happens if your GCSE results aren’t what you need?

Take part in EyeThrive – a pioneering Ophthalmic Leadership Programme

EyeThrive – a pioneering ophthalmic leadership programme – is for ophthalmologists, optometrists, orthoptists, nurses and other allied health professionals who are looking to take their leadership skills to the next level.   Friday 9th and Monday 12th September 2022 8.30am – 3pm | Live online   Learning Objectives Gain insights into your personality and strengths and … Continue reading Take part in EyeThrive – a pioneering Ophthalmic Leadership Programme

Studying for T Levels? You should go to Specsavers

Specsavers has announced an initiative to help develop talented new healthcare specialists. It has pledged to offer 100 placements in optical care services for learners studying the new Government-led T Level qualification in Healthcare Science. Working in partnership with the educational charity and leader in vocational and technical learning NCFE, it is hoped the scheme … Continue reading Studying for T Levels? You should go to Specsavers

What happens if A level results don’t go how you hoped?

A level results day can be a fraught time as you’ve pinned your hopes and next steps on getting the grades you need for a particular course at a particular university. But if things don’t work out how you hoped, there are alternatives for you to consider. Just missed your grades – you may still … Continue reading What happens if A level results don’t go how you hoped?

FREE Results Day Webinar for GCSE Students!

Have you been taking exams for GCSEs or equivalents? You’re invited to a FREE webinar about exploring your next steps after Results Day. This webinar is from Careers in Eyecare partner Youth Employment UK. You can find out what the Results Day will be like, how you can prepare and who you can talk to … Continue reading FREE Results Day Webinar for GCSE Students!

Day in the life … QTVI Helen

Helen is a QTVI, a Qualified Teacher of Children and Young People with Vision Impairment (QTVI). According to RNIB, QTVIs carry out a central role in the education of children and young people with vision impairment from birth, working in homes, early years settings, schools and post 16 settings. The day starts with checking and … Continue reading Day in the life … QTVI Helen

FREE Results Day Webinar for A Level & VTQ Students

Have you been taking exams for A Levels or equivalents? You’re invited to a FREE webinar about exploring your next steps after Results Day. Find out how to prepare for Results Day, who you can talk to about the right next steps for YOU, and hear advice from people who have been in your shows … Continue reading FREE Results Day Webinar for A Level & VTQ Students

Event: have you thought about running your own business?

Becoming a dispensing optician or optometrist gives you a range of options for your career. Some people may enjoy the clinical side of the role, while others may like to focus on management and retail. If you would like to have control over all aspects of the business, have you thought about running your own … Continue reading Event: have you thought about running your own business?

What to ask when you go to a careers fair

If your school or college is putting on a careers fair, it’s worth thinking about what to ask before you go. A careers fair gives you the chance to speak to someone already working in a role. It’s a great chance to get an inside take on a number of different jobs. Planning your questions … Continue reading What to ask when you go to a careers fair

Flexible bank and locum careers in eyecare

If you are still at school or college you may want to know more about which careers offer flexible ways to work. There are plenty of ways to work flexibly when you work in eyecare, and in this article we look at being a locum. A locum is a stand-in for a regular member of … Continue reading Flexible bank and locum careers in eyecare

Frame designer and sustainability champion Yair Neuman

Yair Neuman is a ground breaking frame designer who has used old spectacle lenses to create sculptures, lighting, and new spectacle frames. Read on to discover how he developed a new material and learned how to turn it into glasses and much more. Yair, what was your first job? I worked at a place that … Continue reading Frame designer and sustainability champion Yair Neuman

Have you thought about a career in eyecare or eyewear?

Watch our video to see what career in eyecare options there are.

Event: Would you like to run your own optical practice?

Becoming a dispensing optician or optometrist gives you a range of options for your career. Some people may enjoy the clinical side of the role, while others may like to focus on management and retail. If you would like to have control over all aspects of the business, have you thought about running your own … Continue reading Event: Would you like to run your own optical practice?

How to make the most of work experience

It’s the time of year when you and your classmates may all be about to set off on work experience. Have you thought about how to make the most of it? A little thought and preparation will help you learn new skills and enjoy your time. First of all, think about your week ahead. Ask … Continue reading How to make the most of work experience

New career guides available on Careers in Eyecare

Have you browsed through the career guides available on this site? Whether you are looking for an entry level role or aiming for a degree, there are lots of careers in eyecare that might appeal to you. New roles added recently With help from eyecare charity SeeAbility, we have recently added two new careers where … Continue reading New career guides available on Careers in Eyecare

Managing exam and revision stress

May and June are stressful months if you have exams, and anxiety can hold you back from doing your best in your exams. Read on for some simple tips to help you stay on top of anxiety. Remember, it’s normal to feel stressed and anxious about exams. Even if your friends and classmates seem calm, … Continue reading Managing exam and revision stress

Frame design competition finalist: Joyce Addai-Davis

Do you ever wonder how spectacle frames are designed? Students at the Royal College of Art have a chance to take part in an exciting design competition each year, and the winning frames are displayed at the eyewear industry’s trade show, 100% Optical. Read on to meet one of this year’s finalists. What encouraged you … Continue reading Frame design competition finalist: Joyce Addai-Davis

Frame design competition finalist: Erin Yuwei Yang

Do you ever wonder how spectacle frames are designed? Students at the Royal College of Art have a chance to take part in an exciting design competition each year, and the winning frames are displayed at the eyewear industry’s trade show, 100% Optical. Read on to meet one of this year’s finalists. What encouraged you … Continue reading Frame design competition finalist: Erin Yuwei Yang

Your career path as an optometrist

So you are a newly qualified optometrist – or maybe you are on track to qualify soon. It’s easy to focus on your pre-reg year and passing your exams but have you thought about what comes next? Read on for ideas for your career and different pathways you could follow, from low vision and paediatrics … Continue reading Your career path as an optometrist

Frame design competition finalist: Sofia Sanchez

Do you ever wonder how spectacle frames are designed? Students at the Royal College of Art have a chance to take part in an exciting design competition each year, and the winning frames are displayed at the eyewear industry’s trade show, 100% Optical. Read on to meet one of this year’s finalists. What encouraged you … Continue reading Frame design competition finalist: Sofia Sanchez

Summer school in Ophthalmology

If you are thinking about a career in ophthalmology, you might be interested in a course from the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology. This three day certificated course is aimed at medical students, junior doctors and others who are interested in ophthalmology as a potential career choice. The online course will be presented by leading consultant … Continue reading Summer school in Ophthalmology

Frame design competition finalist: Morag Seaton

Do you ever wonder how spectacle frames are designed? Students at the Royal College of Art have a chance to take part in an exciting design competition each year, and the winning frames are displayed at the eyewear industry’s trade show, 100% Optical. Read on to meet one of this year’s finalists. What encouraged you … Continue reading Frame design competition finalist: Morag Seaton

Frame design competition finalist: Ciccy Lyu

Do you ever wonder how spectacle frames are designed? Students at the Royal College of Art have a chance to take part in an exciting design competition each year, and the winning frames are displayed at the eyewear industry’s trade show, 100% Optical. Read on to meet one of this year’s finalists. What encouraged you … Continue reading Frame design competition finalist: Ciccy Lyu

Join the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers

The Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers (WCSM) sounds ancient but has a modern purpose. Its mission is to support better vision for all, and it has a membership scheme that welcomes young people working in eyecare as well as those committed to improving vision. The Company was founded in 1629 and is living proof that … Continue reading Join the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers

Frame design competition winner: Maria Nava

Do you ever wonder how spectacle frames are designed? Students at the Royal College of Art have a chance to take part in an exciting design competition each year, and the winning frames are displayed at the eyewear industry’s trade show, 100% Optical. Read on to meet this year’s winner. What encouraged you to enter … Continue reading Frame design competition winner: Maria Nava

7 tips to help you plan your time when revising

Exams are starting and the pressure is hotting up to keep on revising. Here are some tips on how to revise when time is short. Use any spare moments for revision. Make the most of bus trips or the moments while you are waiting for the kettle to boil. Practise regularly – every day is … Continue reading 7 tips to help you plan your time when revising

Frame design competition winners

Do you ever wonder how spectacle frames are designed? Students at the Royal College of Art have a chance to take part in an exciting design competition each year, and the winning frames are displayed at the eyewear industry’s trade show, 100% Optical. Read on to find out more about the competition and meet some … Continue reading Frame design competition winners

What eyecare jobs are there for school leavers?

If you are leaving school this summer, it is a great time to think about your options. You may want to go on to further education or higher education, but you might want to get a job. There are a number of roles for young people working in eyecare. Becoming an optical assistant is a … Continue reading What eyecare jobs are there for school leavers?

A choice of two distance learning courses to become a dispensing optician

ABDO College offers a choice of two distance learning courses on the route to becoming a qualified dispensing optician (DO): Foundation Degree /BSc (Hons) in Ophthalmic Dispensing (Year 1)Fellowship Dispensing Diploma courses (Year 1) Option 1A two-year Foundation Degree course followed by a third year BSc Degree course in Ophthalmic Dispensing – leading to BSc … Continue reading A choice of two distance learning courses to become a dispensing optician

Day in the life … Clinical Research Optometrist Paulina

Describe your typical day As a newly graduated Optical and Imaging Technologies Masters student, with my first degree in Optics and Optometry, I’m involved in the clinical evaluations of the patients. I take measurements for each wearer trial and take part in quality controls during the lens manufacturing process. What do you start with every … Continue reading Day in the life … Clinical Research Optometrist Paulina

Overcoming personal challenges while studying

By Mark Nevey, FBDO The pressures of studying can be challenging at the best of times and working towards the DO diploma or degree is no different. When challenges present themselves in your personal life, it can make studying feel even harder. However, support is always at hand. I experienced such a challenge first-hand when … Continue reading Overcoming personal challenges while studying

Careers in Eyecare – working in management

If you are early in your career, have you thought about management as an option for you? Whilst many people will tell you that experience is key, and it certainly is important, there are ways that you can train towards a management role. The first thing to consider is what type of management role you … Continue reading Careers in Eyecare – working in management

What happens after you have applied for flexible working?

Everyone who has worked for their employer for 26 weeks or more has the right to ask for flexible work. There are a number of different ways you can work flexibly. Click here to read more about the different ways. There is a process to follow to apply for flexible working. After you apply your … Continue reading What happens after you have applied for flexible working?

What to think about when choosing your A levels

When you are deciding on A level topics it can seem overwhelming – but don’t panic. Read on for tips to help you, and advice on timings. First, you might want to think about the sort of job you would like to do. Look on a careers website like Careers in Eyecare and find out … Continue reading What to think about when choosing your A levels

WCSM to support Careers in Eyecare campaign

The Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers (WCSM) has committed to support Careers in Eyecare, the award-winning campaign from the Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO). Chair of the WCSM Membership Committee Fiona Anderson says, “The WCSM wants to inspire future generations committed to visionary eye care, building upon a rich heritage of almost 400 years … Continue reading WCSM to support Careers in Eyecare campaign

Day in the life … DO and business owner Jim

What do you start with every day? I start with a healthy breakfast and see my family off to school or work. I then jump in the car and start my commute to work. During my drive to work, I will often have a call with Dan Pederson, my business partner to discuss the previous … Continue reading Day in the life … DO and business owner Jim

Five ways to support National Careers Week

Monday sees the start of National Careers Week 2022 and it is the perfect time to promote the role of the dispensing optician and showcase other careers in eyecare. Here are five ways you can support careers week: Use your social media channels to highlight the role you have in eyecare. Tell your career story … Continue reading Five ways to support National Careers Week

Are you struggling with maths on the DO course?

By Mark Nevey FBDO on behalf of ABDO College In a previous artucle, we discussed some of the ways to overcome having a weakness in written English. We focused specifically on when English is your second language, or if you have dyslexia. In this issue, we look at tips on how to deal with maths … Continue reading Are you struggling with maths on the DO course?

5 different techniques to help you revise

How do I revise? It’s easy to know that you need to get down to revision but harder to pick the methods that work for you. Read on for a quick round up of different ways to revise. Pick one and try it out today. Method 1: Writing things down It’s where we all start … Continue reading 5 different techniques to help you revise

How to choose your GCSEs

There can feel like a lot of pressure to choose the right subjects for GCSE. If you have to decide on the right subjects for you, read on for some tips to help you. There are different ways to pick your subjects at GSCE. You could pick subjects you are good at or those you … Continue reading How to choose your GCSEs

Study tips: How to learn online #DistanceLearningTips #ABDOCollege

Many of the courses leading to careers in eyecare involve some online study. The pandemic has changed how some courses are offered too. If you are due to start a course and will be studying online, here are some tips form the team at ABDO College. ABDO College offers a range of online courses and … Continue reading Study tips: How to learn online #DistanceLearningTips #ABDOCollege

Why the best day to start revising is today … and how to do it

If you have exams coming up this summer, you have probably been thinking about starting to revise. You might have wondered when is the best time to start revising. Will you peak too early if you start too soon? What if you start too late and can’t cover everything? My advice is TODAY is always … Continue reading Why the best day to start revising is today … and how to do it

How to apply for flexible working

You can apply for flexible working if you have worked continuously for the same employer for the last 26 weeks. It’s known as ‘making a statutory application.’ The basic steps are: You write to your employer. Your employer considers the request and makes a decision within 3 months – or longer if agreed with you, … Continue reading How to apply for flexible working

Is a traineeship for you?

Would you like to do an apprenticeship or get a job, but need more skills and experience? A traineeship could be just what you need. In this article from Careers in Eyecare, you can find out more about traineeships, if one is right for you and how to get started. A traineeship is a skills … Continue reading Is a traineeship for you?

Train your skills

Studying, working, looking for a job? Or not sure what you want to do in life? If you’re aged 14-24 and ready to train your skills the way you’d train your muscles in a gym, you’re in. With free Young Professional training you can boost your life and work skills. Youth Employment UK’s Young Professionals … Continue reading Train your skills

100th ECLO starts work to provide vital support for blind and partially sighted people

People newly diagnosed with sight loss will be getting more practical and emotional support as tThe Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) celebrates its 100th Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO). ECLO Renu Walia is based in Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield, North London and also provides support to patients in Barnet Hospital and Edgware … Continue reading 100th ECLO starts work to provide vital support for blind and partially sighted people

Day in the life … dispensing optician Stuart

Stuart is a dispensing optician who also runs Eyecare Education, helping optometrists and dispensing opticians stay up to date with their ongoing education events. If you like the idea of combining running events with a clinical career, read on to find out about his work and how he combines time in practice with working on … Continue reading Day in the life … dispensing optician Stuart

How to find help if you’re struggling with spelling and grammar

By Mark Nevey FBDO on behalf of ABDO College When you begin studying for a new vocation, there is inevitably a certain amount of writing involved, and courses at ABDO College are no different. Whilst some people thrive on writing tasks, it’s fair to say that many find it a chore. For some, faced with … Continue reading How to find help if you’re struggling with spelling and grammar

Day in the life … service engineer Stephen

Stephen is a service engineer at BIB Ophthalmic Instruments. Read on to find out about a day in his working life. Every day is different, depending on whether I am in the office or out visiting customers. On an office day I answer service phone calls, offer advice, provide technical solutions and product user advice … Continue reading Day in the life … service engineer Stephen

Day in the life … Eye Care Champion Lance

Lance works for a charity called SeeAbility as an Eye Care Champion in London. Read on to find out about what the role is all about. I work with my Champion co-workers to promote eye care for people with learning disabilities and autism. People with learning disabilities are 10 times more likely to have a … Continue reading Day in the life … Eye Care Champion Lance

Study tips: How to learn online #DistanceLearningTips #ABDOCollege

Many of the courses leading to careers in eyecare involve some online study. The pandemic has changed how some courses are offered too. If you are due to start a course and will be studying online, here are some tips form the team at ABDO College. ABDO College offers a range of online courses and … Continue reading Study tips: How to learn online #DistanceLearningTips #ABDOCollege

Research scholarships for optometrists

The College of Optometrists’ Research Scholarships have returned for 2022, including a new one-off funding opportunity at postdoctoral level. Part-funded by donations from College members, the Postdoctoral Research Award provides an optometrist at postdoctoral level with the opportunity to be principal investigator on a research project in the area of swollen optic nerves and referral … Continue reading Research scholarships for optometrists

8 ways you can work flexibly

There are different ways of working flexibly and these an be adapted to you and your circumstances. If you are thinking of requesting flexible hours, read on and find which ways to work might suit you best. Job sharing – Two people do one job and split the hours. Working from home – It might … Continue reading 8 ways you can work flexibly

Day in the life… business apprentice Yassin

Yassin works at Spec–Care Services in the south west of England. He is a Business Administration’ BTEC Level 3 apprentice. Yassin’s boss Rob says, “Yassin has a passion for business development and the optical world has helped develop his career. He is a shining light for apprenticeships and without doubt a star business person of … Continue reading Day in the life… business apprentice Yassin

Day in the life … domiciliary optician Joshua

Would you like to help people, in a range of environments, in a job that ensures you are always on the move and constantly facing new challenges? Joshua Wainwright FBDO FdSc BA (Hons) works for Specsavers Domiciliary, delivering eyecare to those who can’t get to the practice due to health or mobility issues. Alongside this … Continue reading Day in the life … domiciliary optician Joshua

Day in the life … contact lens optician Jodie

Jodie is a contact lens optician in the South West of England. Read on to find out more about her day. Describe your typical day as a contact lens optician. My typical day involves seeing a variety of contact lens fits, routine aftercares and emergency eye care appointments, meeting patients’ expectations and making sure they … Continue reading Day in the life … contact lens optician Jodie

Day in the life … student DO Deepali

Deepali is a student dispensing optician (DO) with Specsavers, and is in the final year of her ophthalmic dispensing course at ABDO College. She combines a full time job with online study and block release. Read on to find out more about her day. As a student DO, I spend my day dispensing a variety … Continue reading Day in the life … student DO Deepali

Watch our video about optical apprenticeships

Want to know more about how to get started with a career in eyecare? An apprenticeship could be just what you need.

Choose a career with a pathway

There are lots of careers and it can be hard to know where to start when making choices. One thing to look out for is a career with a pathway that will allow you to start work, gain experience and take qualifications so you can progress. Working in eyecare, there are a range of entry … Continue reading Choose a career with a pathway

Day in the life … clinical technician Lyndon

Lyndon Bird SMc(Tech) is a clinical technician at TKS Optometrists. His role in the practice is to provide diagnostic tests requested by the optometrist for each patient. Read on to discover more about what Lyndon does each day. I start the day by unlocking the practice, switching on all the machines in the diagnostics suite. … Continue reading Day in the life … clinical technician Lyndon

Do you need or want to work flexibly? Find out your rights

Flexible working is a way of working that suits an employee’s needs, for example having flexible start and finish times, or working from home. All employees have the legal right to request flexible working – not just parents and carers. This is known as ‘making a statutory application’. You must have worked for the same … Continue reading Do you need or want to work flexibly? Find out your rights

Day in the life … eye clinic liaison officer Ben

Ben Sykes is an RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People) Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO) and his clinic is based in The Countess of Chester Hospital. Ben has Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON), which is central vision loss that affects the optic nerve behind the eye. He is severely sight impaired. Describe your typical … Continue reading Day in the life … eye clinic liaison officer Ben

Careers Award for ABDO

For the second year running, the Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) has won an award for its Careers in Eyecare campaign from Youth Employment UK. ABDO is the winner of the Creating Opportunity #YouthFriendlyEmployer Award. The award was presented on 7 December by the Minister for Employment, Mims Davies MP, in an online ceremony, … Continue reading Careers Award for ABDO

Day in the life … student DO Matthew

Matthew is a student dispensing optician (DO) in the final year of his ophthalmic dispensing course at ABDO College. Read on to find out about life as a DO and how Matthew combines study with work. I would say there is no typical day as a dispensing optician. Of course, there is routine in terms … Continue reading Day in the life … student DO Matthew

Is an apprenticeship right for me?

Are you considering an apprenticeship? In this post the team from Woodspeen Training outline everything you need to know. What is an apprenticeship? An apprenticeship is a training course within a vocational setting.  What this means is that you get to ‘earn while you learn’.  An apprenticeship placement means you are doing the job whilst … Continue reading Is an apprenticeship right for me?

Day in the life … low vision optician Josh

Josh Smith works as a low vision optician. Read on to find out about his day. What do you start with every day? I start every day by reviewing my patient list for the morning and afternoon clinics. This allows me to get an idea of what to expect from each appointment. I also catch … Continue reading Day in the life … low vision optician Josh

Taking on an apprentice

An apprentice can be a valuable asset for your business as you take on a young person and help them develop useful work-based skills. Find out if an apprentice could be right for your business here, and learn more about apprenticeships in eyecare here.

From optical assistant to optometry student

Vanessa Vieira is an optometry student and part time optical assistant. Read on to hear about her job and her ambitions to become an optometrist. I did a year of A levels before switching to a BTEC Level 3 extended diploma in Applied Sciences (medical), and I’m now an optometry student.  At weekends I work … Continue reading From optical assistant to optometry student

Tips for success with online study

Thomas Gluyas is an apprentice optical assistant, training with Woodspeen. Read on for his tips for successful online learning while you are an apprentice. Make sure your computer is charged, you don’t want to drop out halfway through a lesson. Make sure you’ve always got a glass of water with you so you don’t get … Continue reading Tips for success with online study

Day in the life … DO and optometry student Luke

Luke works in practice as a dispensing optician (DO) in an opticians practice, dispensing spectacles and pre-testing patients before their eye examination. He is also studying to become an optometrist on block release. Read on to find out more about his day. What do you start with every day? I wake up at 6:30am, go for … Continue reading Day in the life … DO and optometry student Luke

Careers in Eyecare – a year in review

What a year it’s been for Careers in Eyecare working with Youth Employment UK. Having started our journey at the start of 2020, we’ve managed to achieve a lot to help young people and old to understand the great career options in the world of eyecare and eyewear, winning Youth Employment UK’s Best Newcomer award … Continue reading Careers in Eyecare – a year in review

Is an apprenticeship for your business?

The National Apprenticeship Scheme has been in place since 2009, and apprenticeships have a long tradition in the United Kingdom, but some employers in the optical industry have yet to embrace them. Read on to hear how optical apprenticeships can benefit you, your staff and your business. Mandy Boucher is a tutor on the level … Continue reading Is an apprenticeship for your business?

What’s it like to be a STEM Ambassador?

Firstly, I will point out that I am new to being a STEM Ambassador. I took the plunge a couple of months back and went through the process as outlined on their website. STEM offers great support and guidance, including training materials that take you through the application process. They even handle the DBS for … Continue reading What’s it like to be a STEM Ambassador?

Week in the life … optical assistant Thomas

Thomas Gluyas is an apprentice optical assistant. Read on to find out more about his working week! PLUS: Check out Careers In Eyecare for more inspiration. Every Monday I receive a two-and-a-half-hour online lesson on a topic related to the optical industry. These topics have been appropriate to the level of knowledge I had at … Continue reading Week in the life … optical assistant Thomas

Become a STEM ambassador

Are you looking for a new challenge? Have you thought about becoming a STEM ambassador? You could inspire a future dispensing optician, optometrist or optical assistant. Find what being a STEM ambassador entails and how to apply using the links below. Become a STEM ambassador Read Nick’s experience of his first STEM sessions Tips for talking to students … Continue reading Become a STEM ambassador

Are you looking after your eyes?

It’s National Eye Health Week and it’s a great time to think about whether you are looking after your eyes. If you haven’t been to the opticians before, now is a great time to phone up or go online and book your first sight test. Lots of people qualify for a NHS sight test – … Continue reading Are you looking after your eyes?

How to get a job in retail

Retail is a great place to start your career. These great tips from the Careers in Eyecare experts can help you get the retail jobs you apply for! Retail is a great place to start your career – there are so many different shops you can work in you’re sure to find one that appeals. … Continue reading How to get a job in retail

5 tips for all school leavers ready for the world of work

If you have just left school and aren’t sure about your next step, you’re not alone. Thousands of 16 to 18-year-olds have finished school and are ready to explore the world of work. These tips from youth-friendly organisation ABDO will help you make the leap. School leavers – ready to make the jump to working? … Continue reading 5 tips for all school leavers ready for the world of work

Tips to help on Results Day

What do you do when Results Day comes around and you didn’t get the grades you wanted for your chosen degree? You’ve still got great options, explain the team at Careers in Eyecare. The pandemic has been tough for everyone, and if you have been studying for A levels it has been doubly hard. The … Continue reading Tips to help on Results Day

Why not offer work experience?

Work experience is a great way for young people to build skills, learn about the world of work and get a taste for a possible career path. Find out more about work experience below. We have developed guides for employers and young people to make it easy to offer well structured and useful work experience, … Continue reading Why not offer work experience?

How to make the most of your apprenticeship

Thomas Gluyas is an apprentice optical assistant, training with Woodspeen. Read on for his tips for a successful apprenticeship. Could a Career in Eyecare be what you’ve been looking for? Thomas’s tips for success Don’t be afraid to try an apprenticeship in something you’d never considered before. For me, where I work and who I … Continue reading How to make the most of your apprenticeship

An employers’ guide to work experience

Introduction  Work experience plays a vital part in preparing young people for their future careers. It’s an opportunity for them to step outside the classroom and, for many, a chance to see the world of work for the very first time. It can build confidence and be the first thing to go on a CV.  Employers really can … Continue reading An employers’ guide to work experience

Tips for talking to students about STEM

Lucy Knock BA MA PGCE is the Early Careers Manager, Clinical Services for Specsavers. Part of her role involves inspiring the next generation of eyecare professionals, talking to students at schools and colleges, and in this article she shares her tips. Firstly, if you are talking to young people about careers in eyecare, show, and … Continue reading Tips for talking to students about STEM

How to find work experience at an opticians

Work experience is not only for school students, you can complete work experience if you are in college, university and beyond.  It is a great addition to your CV and can help you build skills and confidence.  Talk to teachers, lecturers and even friends about work experience opportunities. If you want to find out more … Continue reading How to find work experience at an opticians

Day in the life … optometry student Charlotte

Experience a day in the life of a pre-reg optometry student as Charlotte walks you through her day. Being organised is essential as she juggles revision, assessment preparations, and her daily clinics. Have you ever wondered what a pre-reg optometry student gets up to on a typical day? We caught up with Charlotte Acton to find out. My daily routine…  … Continue reading Day in the life … optometry student Charlotte

How to become a STEM ambassador

What is STEM?  STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines:   Science Technology  Engineering Mathematics  STEM education in the UK has grown in recent years as a curriculum that aims to skill students by presenting a cohesive learning platform that based on real-world applications. It underpins the foundational stage of … Continue reading How to become a STEM ambassador

Would you like to work in a hospital?

If you would like a medical career, there are many options open to you. Becoming a doctor or nurse are two careers that most people might think of, but there are plenty of other people working in a hospital too. Read on to discover some of the wide range of careers in healthcare where you … Continue reading Would you like to work in a hospital?

12 dos and don’ts of job applications

Writing a job application can seem like a big task, Here are some tips from ABDO to help you succeed.  The same application won’t work for all jobs: tailor your application to the companyand role. Don’t just copy and paste: instead Research the role that you are applying for and find out about the key duties … Continue reading 12 dos and don’ts of job applications

A day in the life … frame rep Liz

Liz Shepherd is a frame rep for STEPPER EYEWEAR. Read on to discover what a day at work is like and whether this is a career that would suit you.  My typical day ? No day is ever the same as a rep. My area covers the whole of the Midlands and I am never … Continue reading A day in the life … frame rep Liz

Jobs and careers in eye care and eye wear for all

There just might be a job for everyone in eye care and eye wear: read on to find a job to suit you. Love technology? Become a lab technician or dispensing optician and you can find out all about lenses and the latest technology to fit and glaze spectacles. There are jobs and careers in … Continue reading Jobs and careers in eye care and eye wear for all

Apprenticeships in eyecare

Have you thought about becoming an apprentice? It’s a great way to start work, gain experience and get a qualification too. Working in eyecare is a great career for a range of people: there are jobs for you if you are interested in fashion, retail, science, technology, health and business. Read on to find the answers … Continue reading Apprenticeships in eyecare

Award for ABDO

ABDO has won the ‘Best Newcomer’ award for its Careers in Eyecare campaign from Youth Employment UK (YEUK). The Career in Eyecare campaign promotes careers across the sector, highlighting the range of clinical, fashion, design, technical and retail roles available. It was launched in 2020, and maximises the use of social media to reach out … Continue reading Award for ABDO

STEM Careers in Eyecare lesson plan

Area of focus STEM Careers Lesson plan title STEM Careers in Eyecare Time needed 60 minutes Year group Year 10+ Lesson plan overview Students will research a range of eyecare careers linked to STEM subjects and present back to class what information they have found. Learning outcomes Students will better be able to link the … Continue reading STEM Careers in Eyecare lesson plan

Top 5 reasons to love a career in eyecare

Have you thought about a career in eye care? There’s lots of choice if you’re looking at careers in eye care. Working with ABDO we have come up with five reasons you might love a career in this sector: Eye care careers are flexible. Whether you want to work full time or part time, weekends … Continue reading Top 5 reasons to love a career in eyecare

Tips to help you with a job interview

Two things always come up in your job interview: do you understand what your role in the company would be, and how well can you answer the questions? These tips from Careers in Eyecare will really help! Cover the basics before your interview Research the role that you are applying for and understand the key … Continue reading Tips to help you with a job interview