If you struggle with revision, then try some of these tips and tricks. They could make all the difference! Get started If you put things off, the Pomodoro method can help. Set a timer for 25 minutes – even the most reluctant procrastinator can usually manage such a short period. Then take a five minute break. Start another 25 minute session. If you do four of these in a row, each time followed by a break, you can then have…
Take your interest in child eyecare to new heights
New masters’ level professional certificate in paediatric eyecare Eyecare practitioners can take their interest in children’s health to new heights with the first Level 7 qualification from the Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO). The equivalent of a masters’ degree, the professional certificate in paediatric eyecare offers advanced skills and knowledge in different aspects of the field, including myopia management -- which can protect sight and prevent it from worsening. The flexible, CPD-accredited course will be delivered part-time online, with…
Take part in EyeThrive – a pioneering Ophthalmic Leadership Programme
EyeThrive – a pioneering ophthalmic leadership programme - is for ophthalmologists, optometrists, orthoptists, nurses and other allied health professionals who are looking to take their leadership skills to the next level. Friday 9th and Monday 12th September 2022 8.30am – 3pm | Live online Learning Objectives Gain insights into your personality and strengths and how to proactively use this knowledge to develop yourself and others.Develop essential skills to empower yourself to be more proactive in nurturing your resilience and…
Managing exam and revision stress
May and June are stressful months if you have exams, and anxiety can hold you back from doing your best in your exams. Read on for some simple tips to help you stay on top of anxiety. Remember, it's normal to feel stressed and anxious about exams. Even if your friends and classmates seem calm, they are probably nervous inside. A little bit of adrenaline can help your performance, but you also need some tools to help you stay cool.…
Summer school in Ophthalmology
If you are thinking about a career in ophthalmology, you might be interested in a course from the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology. This three day certificated course is aimed at medical students, junior doctors and others who are interested in ophthalmology as a potential career choice. The online course will be presented by leading consultant ophthalmologists from Moorfields Eye Hospital and leading clinical scientists at the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology. The course will cover current clinical and ground breaking scientific aspects…
7 tips to help you plan your time when revising
Exams are starting and the pressure is hotting up to keep on revising. Here are some tips on how to revise when time is short. Use any spare moments for revision. Make the most of bus trips or the moments while you are waiting for the kettle to boil.Practise regularly - every day is better than once a week. Keep cards of key facts in your pocket or bag so you can review them regularly. Arrange your revision into short…
What to think about when choosing your A levels
When you are deciding on A level topics it can seem overwhelming - but don't panic. Read on for tips to help you, and advice on timings. First, you might want to think about the sort of job you would like to do. Look on a careers website like Careers in Eyecare and find out the entry requirements to careers you might like. Will you need A levels or a degree? If there is a training course, you can contact…
Are you struggling with maths on the DO course?
By Mark Nevey FBDO on behalf of ABDO College In a previous artucle, we discussed some of the ways to overcome having a weakness in written English. We focused specifically on when English is your second language, or if you have dyslexia. In this issue, we look at tips on how to deal with maths when you’ve always struggled with it. In some ways, having difficulties with the maths involved in the DO course can be more detrimental to your…
5 different techniques to help you revise
How do I revise? It's easy to know that you need to get down to revision but harder to pick the methods that work for you. Read on for a quick round up of different ways to revise. Pick one and try it out today. Method 1: Writing things down It's where we all start when revising. Writing things down is a good method of revising, but you need to know how to do it. You don't need to copy…
How to choose your GCSEs
There can feel like a lot of pressure to choose the right subjects for GCSE. If you have to decide on the right subjects for you, read on for some tips to help you. There are different ways to pick your subjects at GSCE. You could pick subjects you are good at or those you enjoy. You might want to do subjects your friends are doing, or ones where you like the teacher. These are all good reasons to think…