ABDO College to host apprenticeship webinars in National Apprenticeship week

To celebrate National Apprenticeship Week (10–16 February), ABDO College are running a number of 'Introduction to apprenticeships' webinars to help guide and inform prospective students and employers interested in this new and exciting pathway to become a dispensing optician. The key concepts behind apprenticeships will be introduced as well as the similarities and differences to traditional pathways. The webinars will run through Microsoft Teams to allow interaction and conversation and are open to all. Laura Stratton, apprenticeships manager, said,  "As…

New apprenticeships: orthoptists earn while they learn

An apprenticeship has been launched that will create new opportunities for people to train as orthoptists, helping to tackle vision problems in children and adults across England. You can now earn while you learn, with a paid apprenticeship in your local NHS hospital. Previously people had to go to university in Liverpool, Sheffield or London. A vital role Childhood vision problems are on the rise and waiting lists for eyecare services are growing. Orthoptists play a vital role in identifying…

Six reasons to choose an eyecare career in… orthoptics

Orthoptists are the experts in diagnosing and treating defects in eye movement and problems with how the eyes work together, called binocular vision. This field offers a fascinating and rewarding career. Make a real difference Orthoptics lets you change lives every day. Imagine the dramatic impact of helping children see clearly for the first time, or fixing a patient’s double vision. Cutting-edge science If you’re fascinated by how the body and brain work together, orthoptics is for you. It combines…

How to revise, survive and thrive

If you struggle with revision, then try some of these tips and tricks. They could make all the difference! Get started If you put things off, the Pomodoro method can help. Set a timer for 25 minutes – even the most reluctant procrastinator can usually manage such a short period. Then take a five minute break. Start another 25 minute session. If you do four of these in a row, each time followed by a break, you can then have…

A day in the life – the orthoptist

Alis Sejourne is lead orthoptist for neuro-ophthalmology and adults with learning difficulties at the Royal London Hospital, Barts Health trust What do you do? How did you start your career? I diagnose and manage eye movement disorders, visual field defects and binocular vision or visual development problems, such as amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus (squint). I had nine months of hospital placements throughout the three-year degree course in orthoptics.  I started my career at King’s College Hospital, and progressed to…

Plymouth Uni optom taster day 2023

Six reasons to choose a career in optometry

Optometrists are skilled health professionals, qualified to carry out sight tests, identify eye health problems, prescribe spectacles and contact lenses and even treat some eye conditions.  1. Make a difference Optometry is a rewarding career, where you can make a real difference to people’s lives. You’ll diagnose sight problems and identify health issues – you could even save someone’s sight. Getting the right prescription can be life-changing, helping young people succeed at school, older people stay independent and everyone in…

Top tips – filling in your UCAS form

Applying to university can be nerve-wracking and completing the UCAS form is one of the most daunting elements. Don’t leave it to the last minute! There’s so much information to provide and so many choices to make, you need time to plan carefully. Here are some top tips to help your application stand out. Check the deadlines Make sure you know your school’s or college’s deadlines and work back from those dates so that you have time to find all…

Top tips for Zoom interviews

You’ve applied for the job and got that interview – congratulations! If it’s a Zoom or Teams call, there are some important things to think about compared to a face-to-face meeting. Use a laptop or desktop Zoom and Teams have mobile apps but laptops or PCs are best — even if you have something to hold your phone still. Your computer gives you and the interviewer a better view and may be clearer. If you can, plug your laptop in.…

Take your interest in child eyecare to new heights

New masters’ level professional certificate in paediatric eyecare Eyecare practitioners can take their interest in children’s health to new heights with the first Level 7 qualification from the Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO). The equivalent of a masters’ degree, the professional certificate in paediatric eyecare offers advanced skills and knowledge in different aspects of the field, including myopia management -- which can protect sight and prevent it from worsening. The flexible, CPD-accredited course will be delivered part-time online, with…

Every little helps – extra funding for eyecare students

Extra funding for students on eyecare courses is available from the Spectacle Makers’ Charity. The bursary scheme has helped more than 120 people on degree and diploma courses leading directly to a career in eye healthcare care, including:  dispensing optics optometry orthoptics ophthalmic imaging  allied subjects  nurses studying for MSc programmes in clinical ophthalmic practice, or primary care ophthalmology guidance for nursing The scheme is competitive – fewer than one in ten applicants are successful.  It's not about polish The…

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