Have you thought about a career in eye care? There’s lots of choice if you’re looking at careers in eye care.
Working with ABDO we have come up with five reasons you might love a career in this sector:
Eye care careers are flexible.
Whether you want to work full time or part time, weekends or weekdays, there’s a job for you. More and more high street optical practices are open seven days a week. While you could find yourself working weekends, you will have days off during the week.
There are lots of different ways to study.
Start working as an optical assistant and you can study online to learn more about eye care and eye wear. Learn through block release or day release as a student dispensing optician and you can get a diploma or a degree while working and earning a wage. Or head to university for a degree in ophthalmic dispensing, optometry or medicine, followed by clinical experience under supervision.
Choose where you want to work.
You could work in a high street optical practice as an optical assistant, dispensing optician, optical retail manager or optometrist. If a hospital is for you, check out careers as an ophthalmologist or orthoptist – some optometrists and dispensing opticians work in hospitals too. And there are careers in manufacturing, design and technology too if a lab, studio or factory is more your scene.
Careers in eye care and eye wear are growing
People will always need eye care, and with an aging population more and more people will need glasses or cataract surgery. Working in an optical practice or hospital you will help meet this need.
You’re making a difference.
Opt for a career in eye care and eye wear and you can help children and adults see better and live life to the full.