Exams are starting and the pressure is hotting up to keep on revising. Here are some tips on how to revise when time is short.
- Use any spare moments for revision. Make the most of bus trips or the moments while you are waiting for the kettle to boil.
- Practise regularly – every day is better than once a week. Keep cards of key facts in your pocket or bag so you can review them regularly.
- Arrange your revision into short blocks of time. Pay attention to when your concentration begins to flag and set a timer for 20 or 30 minute slots.

- Work out when your best time of day is to concentrate and use it for important new learning.
- Decide on your routine, then stick to it.
- Working late at night isn’t usually a good idea even when the exam is the next day, so set a time to switch off every night, then plan in a wind-down activity to clear your mind.
- Give yourself a reward after each session.
Follow these tips to help you make the most of every moment in the run up to your exams.