Many of the courses leading to careers in eyecare involve some online study. The pandemic has changed how some courses are offered too. If you are due to start a course and will be studying online, here are some tips form the team at ABDO College. ABDO College offers a range of online courses and courses which combine online study with a week or a fortnight at the College.
1: If you are starting a course with a new online learning environment set aside time to familiarise yourself with its areas and functions. You will save yourself time if you do this at the start of the course and remember to check the VLE for new additions regularly.
2: Take a little time to make a study plan. This will help you work at a sensible pace and have work ready on time with no last-minute panics.
3: Any distance learning course requires self-discipline, regardless of the medium. Set yourself a routine for work time – and reward yourself with regular nights off too!
4: Online learning is flexible so you may find you can fit work into your lunch hour, freeing up your time later in the day.
5: If you’re not sure, ask your tutor what is expected of you, how many hours of study per week, for example, when is work due to be submitted and how.
6: Make sure you have a good, reliable internet connection. Without it there’s a risk of losing work or submitting it late.
7: What is your contingency plan if the internet goes down? If you usually submit from home, is there a local library with late night opening, or have you allowed enough time to go into work and submit the next morning?